Mediterranean School of Complex Networks

Grado, Italy 30 June – 5 July 2024

In the last decade, network theory has been revealed to be a perfect instrument to model the structure of complex systems and the dynamical process they are involved into. The wide variety of applications to social sciences, technological networks, biology, transportation and economic, to cite just only some of them, showed that network theory is suitable to provide new insights into many problems.
Given the success of the Eighth Edition in 2023 of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks, we call for applications to the Ninth Edition in 2024.

The official language of the School is ENGLISH

The School will award two prizes: to one attendant, for the best flash talk and to one lecturer, for the best lecture.

Local organizing committee: CONSORZIO COMETA

When: JUN 30 – JUL 5, 2024

Where: GRADO, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ITALY

Other information


The school fee does not include meals and accommodation.

The school fee does not include meals and accommodation. After the notification of acceptance, the attendants will receive further instructions and some advantageous offers with local hotels and B&Bs: such offers will be available until 10th March 2024, and you can count on the Local Organizing Committee for help.
After this deadline, attendants will be free to look for alternatives, although it is highly recommended to take advantage of the offers before the deadline, since Grado is a small and very touristic city. Looking for an accommodation after the deadline might become expensive, and there will be no support from the Local Organizing Committee.


  •  Lessons
  •  Projects
  •  Flash talks

AS LOW AS 475 €


  •  Lessons
  •  Social dinner
  •  Projects
  •  Social event
  •  Flash talks

AS LOW AS 575 €
